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Overcome your fear
with Austin’s top anxiety and OCD specialists.

Effective, research-based anxiety treatment with Austin’s longest-standing team of expert level clinicians.

When it comes to chronic issues with your physical health, it's a no-brainer to see a specialist about it. Your mental health should be treated the same way. If anxiety or OCD is your issue, you're in the right place!


Each Anxiety Treatment Center of Austin clinician is an anxiety specialist. While we do work with the full spectrum of anxiety problems, we each have specialized areas of experience. We offer coordinated, individualized, compassionate treatment, and our treatment model is focused on using the most up-to-date and effective methods of intervention.

Explore how we can help you overcome the anxiety and distress that interferes with your work, school, and/or relationships. Don’t let fear rule your life. Hope and help is possible.

"I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Dr. Leyva. I was in a very dark place at the start of therapy and I have overcome so much with her help. My OCD has indeed come back as other fears as she said it would, but I have managed to work through these challenges using my “toolbox” which makes me feel like a much more capable parent and adult…. I feel confident I have a strong basis for managing my anxiety now."

Our specialties include:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Panic Disorder


Needle Phobia

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Health Anxiety


Driving Anxiety

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Anxiety in Children


Flying Phobia

Social Anxiety Disorder

Selective Mutism

Separation Anxiety

Low Self-Esteem

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